Unfortunately our website provider does not allow to maintain our blog in multiple languages, so the only option we can offer, is a machine translated version for example via Google translator, if you don't already use any system- or browser feature or an extension for website translation.
To open our page in English via Google translator, click here.
While the translation may off course not be perfect, it seems to work quite well for our website.
Once our website opens in the translated view, there should be a bar on top from Google translator with a button on the right side, where you can hide the bar and reduce it to a floating Google translator icon in the top right corner in order to see our website without much distraction :-)
If you are using a script blocker, you will have to allow some Google scripts for the translation to work. Currently these are:
We will check this link from time to time, please let us know if it doesn't work any longer since Google might change the way how the URL is built and we may need to update the link. You may also off course directly go to https://translate.google.com/?op=websites
We hope you can enjoy our website also in English or other languages via this workaround and wish you a much fun with our travel reports and photos!